Debut novel – out now
HELIOPHOBIA is out now from Montag Press in both electronic and paperback format.
Murray Sandman has issues: a debilitating stutter, shoes whose Velcro straps won’t stay shut, a basement full of nasty chemicals, and a career as a pricing gun repairman that’s fizzling out faster than a tired little meteor.
Oh yeah, and he’s afraid of the sun.
Buy the book
Currently available through Amazon US, UK, and Germany, with alternative oulets coming soon.

About Chris
Writer of stories. Editor of books and such. Ex-pat of America. Eater of plants.
I moved to Finland 12 years ago at the behest of a Finn. The experiences of living in a country with a frustratingly complicated language and a sometimes impenetrable culture has obviously shaped my identity as a writer and societal outlier, though all for the best.