The first step involves fleshing out your vision, ideas, hopes and dreams, worst fears, darkest secrets, ugliest misdeeds, and trivial matters like your timeframe and budget. A little blood is inevitable, as are tears, but a bit of pain leads to great work. Once this is done we’ll have determined your plot, protagonist, main conflicts, style, and other key elements.

The Writing
The writing process will be different for each book and for each client, but on average I can generate between 7,500 and 15,000 words per week, sometimes more if the incentive is great enough. That means a first draft can be written in 1–2 months. Some works demand a slower pace, but it will all be determined by budget, timeframe, style, subject matter, genre, and so forth.

Editing & Revision —
“Writing is a lot of revising,” someone once said, moments before the cliche was reduced to “writing is revising.” It’s true though that a book is not done until it has been edited. And edited. Then set aside to gestate before being edited again. In this stage we’ll make large and small changes before printing it out and sticking it in a pretty brown box. (Which would only be for posterity since everything is submitted electronically now.)

Publishing & Querying Support — I’ve suffered through the querying process enough to know how it works and what its pitfalls are. I can guide you through the process of investigating agents and publishing houses. I’m here for further coaching, for feedback, for a virtual hug, and to make sure the manuscript doesn’t get left in a drawer for posterity. Put it out there!